OceanDrivers visited the PacIOOS (Pacific islands Ocean Observing System) in Hawaii last November. We expend a week together learning from their systems and also providing some help with RAMADDA and Data Turbine.

I would like to thanks James T. Potemra for the nice welcome and for setting up an office where I could work with the PacIOOS team.

“PacIOOS is one of eleven regional observing programs in the U.S. that are supporting the emergence of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) under the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP).”


They provide different data visualization tools including own developments as well as existing open source solution. You can check his website [https://oos.soest.hawaii.edu/pacioos/index.php] to see the full list of services. Here a brief description of some insteresting tools:

  • ERDDAPP: (the Environmental Research Division’s Data Access Program) is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download subsets of scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps. This particular ERDDAP installation has oceanographic data (for example, data from satellites and buoys). https://oos.soest.hawaii.edu/pacioos/erddap/

As part of the visit we help to set up the ALOHA Data Catalog using RAMADDA technology. They are using the AODN template. We solved some issues with the data format and RAMADDA variable reader. Also they created a nice wiki content for the home page. Here you can see the initial results.


The PacIOOS have a nearshore sensors network providing data on a variety of water quality parameters. They attach a gumstix  to the sensors so they can feed a Data Turbine server and use a WiFi connection to send the data to the main station. We helped on the development of a new sensor reader using Java to deliver the data in real time. This Data-Turbine solution is also used by the IMOS/AODN for delivering data in real time. We will explain the use of Data Turbine for real-time data delivery more detailed in a future post. gumstick

As part of the visit we got tidal information data from the observatory. It will be used by www.TideTech.org to provide their customers with value information about the tides around the Hawaiian Islands. Check the following screenshot from the data visualization with Evolution software.


Here a nice sunset from Hawaii, if you have the chance to visit… I totally recommended it. Not everything is work.
