Another month went by and time flyes when you are having fun! We believe information is power and we keep focus on helping to analyse ocean data. This month we worked again with MetWind to make there work easier. MetWIND is focused on providing added-value weather forecasting, specific for competitive sailing.

Using our expertise in GRIB and GRIB2 files we helped their day by day job creating some scriptings. We are happy to help other companies to provide you with a better service. The data for the US will be faster and better provided by MetWind

MetWIND Sailing Forecasts

Ocean Web weather

This month we have integrated our Ocean Web Weather into the website enviroment of the Club nautico Arenal and the Club Maritimo San Antonio de la playa. The good part of working on a Software as a service is that you get always the best version. Next work will be done to integrate CNCG and RCNP websites.


March and April are always busy for our instructors with the racing season just around the corner and many teams wanting to improve. We have been happy to help Team “pez de Abril” to learn about performance analysis with Expedition with some online training sessions.Our instructor Ambrogio has helped the fleet of the “Roma x tutti” offshore regatta to receive updated grib files and to use them on-board for weather routing.

Last, but not least, it was great to have our instructor Gilberto beaten on the racecourse by one of our students sailing as a navigator on a different boat.

Online courses are always up and running with students’ mostly from the US and Italy taking advantage of the e-learning tool.