We inaugurate a new cicle of stories at OceanDrivers. We are doing so many things at OceanDrivers that we did not had time to show it. We want to change it and make you participate more in the work OceanDrivers is doing right now. We will start on how did we end 2017 and what are we doing this January and the projects we are starting this year.
Closing 2017:
Easywind and the Spanish Olimpic team:
We have many units already running using our new EasyWind Tokyo edition version.
The Spanish Olimpic Sailing Federation trusted EasyWind to provide its coaches with wind information. They set up 10 units to work with each of the clases. They did their first test in Miami during the Sailing’s World Cup.
OceanDrivers sofware working for RC44 project
We travelled to Lanzarote to implement and install a new software to study the performance of the RC44. This software combines all of the sensor data taken with the images/video taken inside and outside of the boats. We will be developing a more open version of the software the next couple of months. You can see the image of the sail combined with all of the extra information
Started January 2018
- We are really happy to announce that we signed our agreement with Renting ribs to be our EasyWind distributor during 2018.
- During February we will install Ocean Web Weather at the RCNP.
On the near future:
Keep tunned, we are starting a set of new projects this year. We have new clients and new products coming.
- Video software for training. Combine sensor data with your images to study your performance.
- Preparing Trofeo Princesa Sofía where we hope to be again the realtime data provider at one of the most important races in the world.
- We will start working with the Spanish Oceanographic Institute IEO,
- We will develop a new platform to do research for the IMEDEA/UIB.
We are really happy with the new and old clients for this 2018. We will keep you posted with our updates!