April News
No travel costs, no “missing the week ends” with your friends or your partners and…as cheap as it can be! You have many good reasons to follow our evening online courses!
Don’t miss the chance to learn a lot and interact with some of the top professionals in the sailing industry, directly from your house!
Our online Academy is taking off!
The course has a limited availability to give each one of you the time to interact with the teacher with Q&A!
Next dates with our instructor Gilberto Pastorella:
26th April: In regata con i numeri: Come migliorare la tattica e le prestazioni con un approccio più scientifico durante gli allenamenti e le regate – ITA
27th April: Navegando con los numeros: como mejorar la táctica y el rendimiento con un enfoque científico durante el entrenamiento y las regatas – ESP
28th April: Sailing with the numbers: How to improve tactics and performance through a scientific approach during training and racing – ENG
More courses coming soon with Bruno Zirilli and Carlos Freire! Always check our facebook page for news!
This months we have the pleasure to add Actisense to our partners! We are very proud to add to our network another important company, that produces quality products!
(some pictures from last months courses)
The OceanDrivers Team