OceanDrivers is very proud to announce its third anniversary this month.

Time flies when you’re having fun! Yes, it is the 3rd aniversary of OceanDrivers. So many thinks happenning that we almost forgot. It is time to review and see the advances we made:

Last year we anounced 2 new R+D+i projects and we made it!

  • We have started the selling phase of easywind with a really good welcome from the market. There are already 1o units sold to 4 different countries to measure wind and to help trainers to improve the performance. Check our product page to see how a wind sensor, with oceandrivers software, became a really useful tool for your sailors.



This past months we started Tide-Base a new development for tidetech. Tide-Base provides customised predictions of tidal parameters – speed, direction, height – for tidal waters worldwide, for any period of time in the future or past. One of the key benefits of this tool is that it can stand alone from an internet connection. The data can also be delivered via our servers or embedded in third party applications under licence.


We have extended our client network and our products are used world guide:


We move our office closer to the ocean. We are also closer to our partner club nautico arenal. At CNA we can use the installations to do our tests and do what we like to do, get wet!

The office is a shared space called bedndesk an oasis for digital nomads where local and international companies can work and relax near the beach.


Finally we would like to thank our partners, clients and ocean passionates for being a part of OceanDrivers!

For more updates regarding OceanDrivers … follow us on Twitter: @myOceanDrivers.