OceanDrivers has developed a Weather Widget based on Meteoclim's own forecasting model, ready to be included in external sites, in different formats. Project Details Date February 2013. Links Meteoclim forecast widget. Client Meteoclim Services.
Meteoclim Services Website
matiasbonet2012-12-31T09:00:12+01:00OceanDrivers developed a fully functional corporate website for Meteoclim Services, according to their needs and ready to host any type of content or Meteo-widget. A management backend in order to edit and publish new contents was also provided. Project Details Date December 2012. Links Client Meteoclim Services.
matiasbonet2012-06-30T09:00:41+02:00LegoLaser is a prototype GUI application that was developed by OceanDrivers to provide the user with the capability of creating and editing laser circuits to be later simulated with Freetwm, a simulation tool for semiconductor lasers. Freetwm has been developed by J. Javaloyes and S. Balle, two members of the Non Linear Waves Group from [...]
Wireless ROV Driver
matiasbonet2011-01-31T09:00:47+01:00A software driver was implemented to cope with the image transmission from a camera installed on an ROV to the surface control device through a low bandwidth serial connection. This serial connection was then replaced by an acoustic modem, in order to build an untethered ROV. Project Details Date January 2011. Links Wireless ROV. Client [...]
matiasbonet2010-12-31T09:00:05+01:00The project's aim is to develop a system capable to integrate the information provided by the different weather stations currently run by the Environmental Regional Office. This project includes the following stations: 12 stations - UIB (University of the Balearic Islands). 7 stations - Ports de les Illes Balears (Balearic Islands Ports Authority). 2 stations [...]