Project Description

The project’s aim is to develop a system capable to integrate the information provided by the different weather stations currently run by the Environmental Regional Office. This project includes the following stations:

  • 12 stations – UIB (University of the Balearic Islands).
  • 7 stations – Ports de les Illes Balears (Balearic Islands Ports Authority).
  • 2 stations – Natural Park of Cabrera.
  • 2 stations – IBANAT (Forest Protection Authority).

A system was developed to gather data from many weather stations spreaded in the Balearic Islands (Spain), convert it to NetCDF format following CF conventions, and a THREDDS catalogue was deployed to distribute the data by means of several standard services (direct download, OPeNDAP, etc.)

Project Details

Date December 2010.
Client Environmental Regional Office.