OceanDrivers is implementing a full restful API that will allow users to access tidal predictions all around the word. OceanDrivers is implementing the software and architecture to produce this information in any system (windows,mac,linux) without need of internet connection and also making it available throw a web server to incorporate it into other softwares. It is increasingly [...]
matiasbonet2020-12-30T11:48:29+01:00EasyWind project is born with the object of providing real-time wind speed and direction measurements, from a sensor placed in a support boat to a mobile device (smartphone or tablet). The sensor transmits measurements to a reception unit, which processes and displays them through its own wifi network, to be viewed through a web interface [...]
CN Arenal Website Meteo Section
matiasbonet2014-10-01T09:00:48+02:00OceanDrivers is currently developing the Meteorology Section for CN Arenal's website, which comprehends a real-time meteorology viewer, an own forecast widget based upon locations and a combined viewer for forecasts and real-time meteo. Project Details Date July 2014 - Ongoing Links CN Arenal Website Client CN Arenal
matiasbonet2014-10-01T09:00:45+02:00EasyCurrents is a reduced dimensions buoy, which measures water current intensity and direction, and displays this information in a user friendly web interface, accessible by portable devices such as mobile phones and tablets via a wireless network. Project Details Date August 2011 - April 2014. Links EasyCurrents Website. Client Own R+D+I.
matiasbonet2014-04-30T09:00:01+02:00OceanDrivers has created and maintained Tidetech's currents data processing and distribution system. Tidetech applies the science of oceanography to create data products designed to improve efficiency for a range of maritime applications including shipping, offshore industries and renewable energy technologies. Global data products, created using satellite observation and hydrodynamic models, comprise tidal streams, ocean currents, sea surface temperatures and [...]