LegoLaser is a prototype GUI application that was developed by OceanDrivers to provide the user with the capability of creating and editing laser circuits to be later simulated with Freetwm, a simulation tool for semiconductor lasers. Freetwm has been developed by J. Javaloyes and S. Balle, two members of the Non Linear Waves Group from [...]
Wireless ROV Driver
matiasbonet2011-01-31T09:00:47+01:00A software driver was implemented to cope with the image transmission from a camera installed on an ROV to the surface control device through a low bandwidth serial connection. This serial connection was then replaced by an acoustic modem, in order to build an untethered ROV. Project Details Date January 2011. Links Wireless ROV. Client [...]
matiasbonet2010-12-31T09:00:05+01:00The project's aim is to develop a system capable to integrate the information provided by the different weather stations currently run by the Environmental Regional Office. This project includes the following stations: 12 stations - UIB (University of the Balearic Islands). 7 stations - Ports de les Illes Balears (Balearic Islands Ports Authority). 2 stations [...]