This example shows how to write a NetCDF / CF compliant file using python.
We use the Scientific.IO.NetCDF library:
from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile as Dataset
The example shows the creation of a U and V file for ocean currents. You can see how we add the CF convention attributes for each variable:
- long_name = time
- standard_name = time
- units = days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00 // another example seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
- long_name = nodal latitude // You can use latitude also
- standard_name = latitude
- units = degrees_north
- long_name = nodal longitude
- standard_name = longitude
- units = degrees_east
- long_name = Eastward Water Velocity
- standard_name = eastward_water_velocity
- units = meters s-1
- long_name = Northward Water Velocity
- standard_name = northward_water_velocity
- units = meters s-1
You can see the code here